Friday, July 23, 2010

Humility and Class as the LCMS Leadership Torch is Passed

I have known Rev. Matthew Harrison for years. I have watched him present. I have read his translation and writing, and I have believed for some time that he was well-suited to lead our synod. And, though I have disagreed with some of Dr. Kieschnick’s policies and approach, I have always found him a very personal, approachable, and pious man. He also runs a very “tight ship” at convention; that is, he knows how to run a good meeting.
Below is video of President Kieschnick receiving the news that he was being replaced as President of the Synod. You will see him receive this bitter disappointment with dignity and class. You will see the President-elect, Rev. Harrison, speak with great humility. There was no triumphalism from him, no self-aggrandizing.
After the convention I greeted President Kieschnick and wished him God’s blessings on his next venture, and I certainly do pray that for him. He is a vigorous man, with a devoted wife, and I pray that when the disappointment ebbs that he and Rev. Harrison will be able to speak and find a way for the new President-emeritus to use his gifts in service to the church he served for so many years.
For this time, as we approach the 500th anniversary of The Reformation in 2017, I believe The LORD has given us a servant who has shown himself to faithful to the Lutheran Confession of faith and simultaneously vigorous in engaging the culture. We, as the people of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, have also given his office great new power. May he use it with the humility and grace that both he and his predecessor showed on 13 July, A.D. 2010.

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