Monday, January 12, 2009

The Easy Way to Put a Toddler to Sleep

It took until the third child to figure it out, but I discovered the secret to getting a stubborn toddler to sleep: lay down with them and read scholarly literature!

As I said, I finally discovered this secret with our third child, a daughter. Today the magic worked again on our fourth, a nineteen-month-old son. I was at home for a couple hours while my wife was at an appointment with our youngest daughter. The little man needed a nap but showed no signs of interest in the same. I thought, "Self, I know the trick!" and went next door to retreive the text I'm using to help prepare for a class on St. Paul's Second Missionary Journey. With Dr. Schnabel's "Paul the Missionary" in my right hand, I swooped the little man up in my left and purposefully ascended the stairs to the master bedroom. I prepared the pillows, set the little man down, lay down beside him, and began to read. He kicked and gurgled at me for a while as I read about the second period of Paul's mission (in Arabia) and then I noticed that the kicking and the gurgling had stopped. I hadn't even read a page and there beside me was a blissfully sleeping little boy!

This is a masterful book for me, but as you will see in the short clip, it's a real snoozer for my son. My apologies to Dr. Schnabel (and to the other scholars whose writing has been magical previously), but reading scholarly literature to toddlers has been almost foolproof in its efficacy.

Enjoy the clip, and good luck to you parents who attempt this yourselves!!!

Yours in Christ,

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