Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Calculated Risk

Last night I had another of the great joys of parenting: watching one of our little ones brave his first steps from a standing position. You'll notice in viewing the clip that at first he was just standing there in the middle of office, getting his bearings on the standing upright-by-myself thing. Then he heard my voice, turned, and heard me say, "Come!" He didn't actually brave the steps, though, until I extended a hand and re-issued the invitation, "Come!"

The analogies are numerous here and I will let my readers draw some of them for themselves, but at least one analogy is that growth in life involves risk, calculated-risk. My voice and my hand out said, "Try this. I will be here if you fall." He did, and I was.

What a privilege to be the parent of a toddler again and to learn more lessons from the little ones!

Yours in Christ--lao_+

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